July 20, Cont.

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Since it was our ride, the following pictures were taken
on several different days - Some were taken when we set up the
ride on July 22, 2012 (they will have lots of puffy white clouds)
Some were taken when Mom and I checked the markers
the week before the ride (they will have a few clouds)
Some were taken by Candy during the ride or the next day
when they rode back up to #2 (Thanks Candy!)
And some were taken when we picked up the markers
The Ridge forest fire started after we checked the markers
and before the ride day, so there are some with no smoke
and some of the same area showing the smoke


Before the ride, I posted a few scenery and flower pictures on FaceBook to entice people to come
to the ride... Christine wanted to know where the pictures of the horseflies were, so here it is!

Horse-Eating pipes

This tent wasn't there when we set up the ride (thanks for the picture, Candy!)

Aster (probably Erigeron subtrinervis)


Longleaf arnica - Arnica longifolia

The view from #3 the week before the ride (when there was no smoke)

Sue and Buzz


Pat taking a bearing while setting the ride

Michael and Megan

Robin taking a bearing while setting the ride

Caitlin checking the bearing

My best guess is that this is a Swainson's Hawk


Pinedrops - Pterospora andromedea
Pinedrops is a saprophyte. Its roots contain mycorrhizal fungi which
enable the plant to obtain sustenance from decaying matter in the soil.

Rosy Paintbrush - Castilleja rhexifolia



Doglas's spiraea - Spiraea douglasii

Another Spiraea (maybe Spiraea pyramidata)

Wild strawberries

Bog Wintergreen/Pink Wintergreen - Pyrola asarifolia near the creek by #5

Bog Wintergree (leaves)

Monkeyflower - Mimulus lewisii

Penstemon and Yarrow

"Butterfly Buckwheat" (actually Sulfur buckwheat - Eriogonum umbellatum)

Aster (maybe Aster foliaceus)

July 20 First Page

July 20 Continued

July 20 End

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